So, You Bought a Gun

So, you just bought your first gun?

Welcome to what I have found to be the most inclusive, welcoming, supportive group of people you’ll ever have the pleasure of calling friends.

Yes, we’re dysfunctional, and we argue among ourselves about seeming inconsequential things

9 vs 45
slide release vs slingshot
serpa vs REAL holsters
and more...

But push come to shove, we’ll ban together and support one other, teach one another, and, in short, do whatever we can for anyone in our “family”

In our “family” race, gender, orientation all mean nothing, whether we’re on the range, hanging out or just going about our daily lives we’re all “gun people”.

If you’re like me, you’re probably perusing the internet trying to learn what you can, I recommend you start with the:

Four Rules for Safe Gun Handling

  1. Every gun is ALWAYS loaded. This approach will save you and those around you a LOT of heart and head aches.
  2. NEVER point a firearm at anything you are not willing to destroy
  3. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot
  4. ALWAYS be sure of your target and what’s beyond

Great Places to Get Good Info

Here is a short (very short) list of some good YouTube Channels to checkout out. Most will provide info on guns & gear and opinion on whether either is any good. Some are more heavy on industry news and a few will provide balanced information about Laws and Politics involving guns and the 2nd Amendment.

I could easily list out 40 or 50 more I regularly visit, but don’t want to overwhelm you any more than I probably already have

Oh, wait, don’t forget to check out our YouTube Channel (it’s a work in progress)

I’ll leave you with this closing thought: The best piece of equipment, be it a holster, an upgrade, and add-on, or a methodology; is the one that works for you and keeps you and your family safe.

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